How To Maintain Your Carpet In-Between Professional Cleaning

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Carpet Installers Atlanta will help you get your carpet clean. It is very important keeping your carpet clean is critical if you want to preserve it between professional cleanings. Fortunately, it isn’t too difficult to follow some of these suggestions.


1. Vacuum at least once a week. If you have pets or children, aim for twice a week. Vacuuming removes loose dirt before it gets worn into the actual fibers of the carpet. This helps it to last longer because fibers of the carpet are better able to retain their shape and color.

2. Use area rugs. Ideally, you’ll keep carpet out of high traffic areas, but if you have it there already you need to preserve it. Fortunately, area rugs are relatively cheap and easy to find. If something spills on them, they’re fairly easy to clean (small ones can even been thrown in the washing machine). As an added bonus, the wear and tear will be on the rugs, not on your carpet.

3. Don’t walk on the carpet in your street shoes. Place a basket near the front and back doors to remind family members and guests to take off their shows in the house. Keep slippers or house shoes next to the basket so no one gets cold feet.

4. Clean spills as soon as they happen. Keep a bottle of over the counter carpet cleaner handy to clean up spills while they’re still wet. As soon as they soak into the carpet and dry they become much harder to get out. If you can’t completely remove a stain, be honest with your carpet cleaner about where and what it is, odds are he or she will know how to remove it.

Even if you follow these suggestions, remember that professional carpet cleaning should be done at least once every 12-18 months. If you have carpet in high traffic areas, it should be done more often than that.

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